Friday, May 16, 2008

Boy or Girl?

The day every pregnant woman waits for during her pregnancy, other than the birth of her child, the day she receives her sonogram to let her know how the baby is growing and to find out what it may be, if she chooses to find out.

Wednesday, May 14th: The anticipated day
My appointment was not until 2:00, however I knew that it would go by fast, because I had to take Cody to the doctor that morning. We spent most of our morning at the doctor, because Cody has been having such horrible headaches and dizzy spells. We arrived at my appointment 10 minutes late and had to wait until 4:15 before they finally called us. The sonogram tech asked us right off if we wanted to know the sex of the baby, I was still unsure, and Cody said YES. However, I did say that if Cody was able to get off of work and go with me, I would find out the sex of the baby. After having two healthy boys, I started grinding my teeth waiting for her to tell me it was another boy, even though my gut feeling was that I would finally be having my girl. As she tried to get the baby to move into a certain position in order to tell us the sex, I could feel my hands shaking and my breathing come to a halt. Finally, she finds the position of the baby, IT'S A GIRL!!!!! I, literally, started crying on the table. I am overjoyed.

A facial shot, she is trying to get her thumb into her mouth to suck.
Her tiny little feet.
The doctor came in after the sonogram tech took her shots of the baby and confirmed that it is a girl. At this time she weighs 15oz.