Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Kindergarten Day

I arrived at 9:00 to the Kindergarten awards ceremony. There was a long list of awards being handed out. Bryce was awarded a happy face ring for always being happy to be at school. Once Bryce received his award he turned to me and said, "I am not happy to be here".

We had a teddy bear picnic, of course we forgot to bring the teddy outside with us. He did not really want to have a picnic with me, because we were not sitting around his friends. But he toughed it out and ate with me anyway. After lunch we went to the playground and watched him play on the swings. A kid did inform him that he was "the meanest kid ever". I think my son is a bully, just from watching him play with the other kids.

Here he is with two of his classmates that sit next to him.

Every Friday the kindergarten go out to the football field and meet the Rangers, they all run up to give them hugs. One of the teachers always gives a big speech to pep up the kids.

After we were done on the field we headed over to the high school gym for the pep-o-rally. The theme was Greenwood in the Hood. I did not get to go to the outing at one of the baseball fields, where they were holding T-Ball, relays, and other various outdoor activities. I had Wyatt with me and they did not want younger children there. That was my day with Bryce in kindergarten.