Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Smiling and Cooing

Grayson is enjoying herself on the floor. I have been putting her on the floor for tummy time, but she really hates it. She is on the floor less than a minute, usually, and begins crying. I never had a problem with the boys, they always enjoyed tummy time. Enjoy the video.


Pat and Laura Potter said...

Adorable, Adorable, Adorable is all I can say. She is just adorable...I love her sneezes! Too Cute. No more baby videos Tanya, I may get the "baby bug" certainly feeling it after that. I have been fighting it off lately. Have a friend that is about 5 months along and another friend that just found out today she is expecting! I just love babies! Grayson is beautiful!! Good thing she has 2 older brothers. She is going to need them to keep the boys away later on-

Lindsey said...

You have been tagged....check out my blog for details!!! By the way! I love the new video! She is so adorable!!!