Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Comings and Goings

The past couple of weeks we have been on the go. I have been trying to get more involved in the church we are going to and get to know the members. I have been trying to make it out of the house for ladies bible class, they provide sitters for the kids, so we are able to attend class and then go out to eat afterwards with the ladies. I have been enjoying the peace and quiet, of course I do take Grayson with me. I have also been trying to attend Monday Night for the Masters, I have only made it once so far, but we really enjoyed ourselves. Class is also provided for the older kids and nursery for the younger kids. Our family has been invited to eat at other members houses, to birthday parties, and so on. The church has really made us feel at home and have enjoyed their hospitality.
I took the kids to the park yesterday, it was Grayson's first time to the park here in Hobbs. Of course, I ran off and forgot the camera, will have to remember next time. The boys were so excited about finally going out. Of course, Cody has taken the boys out, but I have not been able to.
Linsey came over from Kermit on Tuesday, to attend ladies bible class and go out to eat. I felt so bad, she came over and I happened to have one of my migraines. I did pull myself together and go out. I ran out of my migraine prescription and just had to hold myself together. Luckily, someone had an Imitrex and I took it. I came home and took a short nap, while Linsey went shopping. We headed over to Wal-Mart after I picked up Bryce. Linsey wanted to get pictures taken of Brody, unfortunately another snag in our plans, the photo center was not open. They did not indicate it at all in the front of their store or on their answering machine. I apologized most of the time that she was at my house, for being sick and not knowing about the photo center being closed.

Going and going has worn us out, just a little.

Linsey and Brody's visit

Our babies are growing so fast. Grayson is 2 months old and Brody is 7 wks old.


Pat and Laura Potter said...

Hi Tanya,
You do sound a bit tired! It is hard to move to a new area and get in a groove, meet new people and just feel settled. We are still doing all of these things too, so I know how you feel. However,I do not have a new baby to add chaos to it all as you do. Be sure to remember to take care of yourself. It is very easy to put yourself last all the time, but it will catch up with you sooner or later...I wish I was closer to all of you! The kids are growing very, very fast. Maybe someday soon I will win the lottery, buy a private jet and we can all see each other whenever we'd like! Ha!! Guess it could maybe happen someday?? I am a dreamer, so I believe...
Take it easy and keep in touch! Kiss the kids for us!

Pat and Laura Potter said...

Hey Tanya!
How was Thanksgiving? I am waiting to see some pictures. Hope you are all doing well! Love ya-