Thursday, September 20, 2007

Play Date

Dashielle and Clayton came over on Tuesday to play. Clayton had never been on a trampoline, so we placed the boys on it, Clayton did not seem to enjoy it at first, but after Dashielle and I got on the trampoline, he started running around.

Clayton wanted to jump so bad, but all he would do was move up and down. His feet never left the trampoline.

Of course, we also played inside for awhile, it was sort of hot outside. For some reason Clayton likes to grab ahold of Wyatt's shirt and drag him around, I missed the moment to take the picture. The boys did not fight over any toys, other than the others cup. Clayton would get Wyatt's cup and vise versa.


Kelsey said...

What a couple of cuties! Sounds like they had fun hanging out. I love that last pic of Clayton.