Sunday, September 2, 2007

Bryce's first of week of school

Bryce made it through his first week. I did not receive one phone call, yay for me! Below is the type of markings he received from the teacher, daily:
Monday: Super Ranger Day-The Best
Tuesday: Rainbow Day (a few distractions)-He failed to follow instructions and he hit some of his classmates.
Wednesday: Sad Face Day (several warnings and off task)-Again, he failed to follow instructions and continues to hit.
Thursday: All Star Day (several distractions and off task)-Once again, he failed to follow instructions and continues to hit.
Friday: Super Ranger Day-The Best

We began to take away things in his room. We started with his TV, he uses to play his learning video games and watch DVDs. Then, we moved on to taking away his cars (all of them). Friday, we told him if he received a ranger face he would get his cars back. Seemed to work, because he came home with a ranger face. Bryce almost ran over his brother with his bike, which he was trying to do intentionally, so Cody wanted to keep his cars as a punishment. But, I told Cody he needed to come up with another form of punishment, because Bryce earned the cars back by getting a ranger face. So, we took his bike away. I believe I was right in doing seperate punishments, I did not want to confuse him, my luck he would stop trying at school. However, I would like to know what someone else thinks in the matter?

Anyway, that was Bryce's first week of school. I hope next week goes well for him and he stops hitting.


Kelsey said...

Two out of five, not too bad. You at least know it's possible for him to get good marks. I agree that taking away the bike for trying to run poor Wyatt over is a better punishment. (If he really likes his bike that is.)

I think what I would do to try to encourage him to do better is try to really praise and reward him when he has a good day, not just take things away when he does bad. I think positive reinforcement goes a loooong way and maybe he'll figure out that the good attention is better than the bad.

If he just "accidentally" has a good day, maybe try to do something special for him after school. Perhaps you could find a way for Cody to do something just the two of them or have someone keep Wyatt while you do something with him.

Just a thought. I of course have no experience with a kindergardener so I could be way off.

Good luck and I hope he has a better second week. If anything, it's only 4 days so that's a good start!

Crystal said...

I think you were right on, on taking away the bike. It is what he used to do the bad. I would have also taken away something special to him until he did something nice for whyatt without being told to do so.
Well he's not shy is he? I hope this week goes better. Hang in there, there is hope!