Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bryce turns 7

We had a birthday party for Bryce on Dec. 6th. The party was held at a pizza/game place, like Chuckie Cheese. About 15 kids showed up for the party, ages ranged from 2 1/2 months of age to 8 years old. The party started off in the game room, while the pizza was cooking. Cody and I handed out about 5.00 a piece for each kid, so they had plenty of money to play games and keep them busy. I ran around like a mad woman, making sure all the kids were having fun and the adults had enough money in hand for their kids. I also made sure I visited with everyone as much as possible. Once the pizza was done we headed into the party room to eat, but before I knew it, it was close to time to go and I had to gather all the kids back up for cake and to open gifts. What took about a month to plan sure did finish awful fast. Bryce had a blast with all his friends and couldn't wait to get home and play with all of his gifts. We still need to sit down and write thank you cards.


Pat and Laura Potter said...


Pam Griffis said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! Happy belated birthday Bryce!