Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Cody and I headed to Lubbock yesterday to see a doctor, he has been experiencing severe headaches for about 2 months now, which also result in migraines. So, we decided to make an appointment with a neurologist in order to diagnose the problem. We also thought that since we did not bring the kids with us, we would take a few days to celebrate our anniversary in Lubbock. I was excited about our get away and a few shopping trips to buy baby items. The doctor sort of put a halt in our plans. Needless to say, the doctor put Cody in the hospital for a few days to help stop the headaches and send him for an MRI at this time.

However, I am enjoying the hotel and still going on my small shopping trips, while Cody sleeps. The doctor was going to send him home and up his dosage, but he is in so much pain I talked to the doctor and asked for the hospitalization. I am praying that these three days in the hospital and along with the medicine they are giving him every 8 hours will stop his headaches/migraines completely. I will keep everyone posted on his condition, I just pray that his pain will stop permanently.