Monday, September 24, 2007

I luvs my brother

Bryce and Wyatt were playing quietly in the sandbox, I was working in the kitchen. I heard Bryce, very loudly, singing. So of course, I grabbed my camera to record. He was singing to Wyatt and it looks like Wyatt was rocking to the music, but that could just be the way that I see it. Turn up your sound, the whirlpool and the AC are on outside.

Here are a few of the lyrics that Bryce is singing:

If I want to be a car, I can be a car...If I want to be a treasure, I can be a treasure.

I think he was making it up as he was singing it, I have never heard it before. Sometimes, he does sit with the dogs and just sing away, I think I have a video of him with them as well. And, he makes up his own words to the song.

Bryce wanted to sleep in his sleeping bag, so I asked him to lay down. Wyatt decided to lay next to him, he loves his big brother.


Kelsey said...

That's too cute! I couldn't tell what he said until I saw your lyrics; when I rewatched it I caught car and treasure and I also heard turtle. That's a pretty catchy tune.

Southern Yankee said...

I think I heard tractor on this one too, but Clint is playing the tv. So sweet. Love the sleeping picture.