Monday, June 25, 2007

Mommies 1 yr old

Wyatt is now One, seems like just yesterday I was carrying him around in my tummy waiting for him to come into the world. Cody, Bryce, and I, along with other family members celebrated his birthday, Saturday, June 23rd. Wyatt was such a busy body this Saturday, he even missed his daily nap. He wanted to play with the big kids, but we limited him from going outside with them, we did not want him to get hurt.
He was not interested in opening presents, at all. I was stuck with opening them this year, he did try to tear one open, but he mainly was interested in eating the paper. All he cared about was getting into the sand box that his Bia bought for him...crawling in and out. He received a dump truck to ride on, from mommy, daddy, and Bryce. Of course, he received tons of gifts. Cody was more overwhelmed than Wyatt, Cody just thought about building shelves to store all the toys, more work for him.
As for the cake, I made it. I think it turned out OK. Did not have much money this I had to improvise. I gave Wyatt a cupcake to dive into. WHAT A MESS!
All in all the party was a success, I belive everyone had fun. Just kept the party small and simple.


Kelsey said...

Happy Birthday Wyatt! Wish we could've been there. As for the simple party, hey, that's the way to go. Like you said, he wasn't even interested in the presents. It's all about the cake!